Published News

Apes Demolitions & Debris Removal LLC

Apes Demolitions is a demolition and debris removal business based in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. We offer specialized services in demolishing structures and removing debris. Our target customers include homeowners and contractors

Apex Fit

Apex Fit is a result-based fitness company that uses science based proven methods and technologies to help our clients achieve results they could never obtain on their own

게임업계에 관한 10가지 팁

업계 직원은 '김정주 대표의 개인적인 호기심과 기업의 전략적인 차원에서 긴 기간 엔씨소프트(NCSOFT)은 일본의 나은 IP를 대거 확보하는 방법을 추진해 왔다'며 '이후 일본 게임이나 애니메이션을 모바일 게임화해 글로벌 시장에 우선적으로 뛰어드는 등 협업이 기대된다'고 하였다

Apex Fit

Apex Fit is a result-based fitness company that uses science based proven methods and technologies to help our clients achieve results they could never obtain on their own